Men / Women / Youth / Children Fellowship
Men's Fellowship
We are our brother's keeper and believe in keeping each other accountable and encouraged in Christ.
As iron sharpens iron we seek to sharpen each other character. We stand together to strengthen and challenge each other to grow in grace.
As Christian brothers we seek a well balance male bonding experience through regular and spiritual conversations, bowling, shooting pool, fishing, sports and other wholesome fellowships.
Women's Fellowship
Be a part of a Women's fellowship where we encourage each other to be free to be all God has placed in us to be. We encourage each other to be Proverbs 31 women and recognize ourselves as precious jewels in Christ.
We have spiritual impartation sessions as well as regular shopping outings, cooking and sewing classes, teas and other things to make it a well balance female bonding experience.
Youth / Young Adults
We host Youth Sunday every third Sunday to give the youth a voice and opportunity to be out front and carry out the Worship Service. We host activities after Youth Sunday for fellowship for spiritual impartation or fun fellowship.
We host fellowship outside the church such as bowling, movies, eating and more to build a bond among the youth.
Children's Church and Fellowship
We offer Children's Church for 11 and under each Sunday when there are at least 3 or more in attendance. In Children's Church a Bible lessons are taught in a manner to capture their attention. Singing, puppets shows and other activities are used to keep them excited and ready to return each week.
We offer fellowships in and outside the church that are lively, encouraging and safe for all to explore God and their passions.
We believe in training children at an early age to respect themselves, their parents and others. We strive to lay a solid foundation, so as they grow older they will have a sure place to stand on.